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University to Train Pastors of the New Apostolic Church East Africa

PAC University to Train Pastors of the New Apostolic Church East Africa
Christian MissionDevelopmentLeadershipTraining

University to Train Pastors of the New Apostolic Church East Africa

On May 11, the University hosted representatives of the New Apostolic Church East Africa, Rev. Joseph Opemba Ekhuya and Dr. John Shihemi Isoka, who visited the Thika Road campus to sign an MOU to have around fifty of their Pastors in Nairobi and Kisumu trained on transformational Church leadership.

Rev. Ekhuya is the District Apostle of the Church, which has branches in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Sudan, while Dr. Isoka is the Coordinator of its Administrative Services.

Prof. Dionysious Kiambi, DVC-Academic Affairs, led the University’s team and assured the Church of the University’s commitment to a successful engagement.

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