Internal Quality Assurance
November 13, 2021 2022-02-06 19:19Internal Quality Assurance

PAC University is committed to providing the highest quality of education. The University has established an Internal Quality Assurance mechanism led by senior management appointees. Dr. Daniel Mulinge Nthenge is the current Director of Quality Assurance. He is responsible for developing quality assurance mechanisms and overseeing their implementation in coordination with the respective Heads of Departments across the University.
The Directorate of Quality Assurance is responsible for ensuring that all awards are consistent and comparable in standard to similar academic awards granted throughout Kenya. Our internal Quality Assurance and Standard Procedures are based on the notion of a self-critical community, where staff members are actively engaged in ensuring and improving the quality of programs offered within the University. External quality assurance mechanisms also check on the quality and standards of the University’s academic provision within the provision of the Commission for University Education in Kenya.
The Directorate of Quality Assurance serves to inform and satisfy the Academic Committee of the Council that the quality and standards of its taught courses and programs are secure. The PAC University quality standards are clearly stipulated in:
a) Academic Quality Assurance Handbook
b) Academic Policy for Taught Awards
c) The Quality Assurance Policy Guidelines
Our Internal quality assurance mechanisms ensure that:-
• All academic programs and courses within are subject to formal approval, systematic monitoring, and periodic review
• Any changes to the academic program must first be authorized, i.e. approved in principle through the academic development planning process
• Regular monitoring of all approved provision
• Periodic review of programs, seek to assure and enhance the quality of student learning opportunities and experience, and the standard of outcomes achieved
Who is involved in Quality assurance at PAC University?
1. Deans have overall responsibility for the quality and standards of their School’s provisions.
2. Faculty Boards membership drawn from academic departments are accountable to Senate for the quality of the academic provision within their departments, through their Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committees (FASCs), which may have quality-related sub-committees to deal with operational aspects of quality and standards.
3. At the University level, the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC) has oversight of quality assurance and enhancement across the University. This Committee oversees the University’s established procedures for the approval, monitoring, and review of academic provision and is supported, where necessary, by one or more sub-committees and short-life task groups.
4. The Quality Assurance Unit (QAU), which is a part of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, supports the University’s oversight of its quality assurance systems and procedures and its development of learning- and quality-related strategy and policy; advises and supports the Faculties in their quality assurance activities; works with the Academic Programs Development Committee and the Faculties to support quality enhancement; manages approval and review activity, and liaises with external quality agencies.
5. The Quality Assurance Directorate develops and monitors the outcomes of key functions of the University’s internal quality assurance systems such as program approval, program review, external examining) and manages its external quality assurance relationships with a number of agencies, most notably the Commission for University Education (CUE).
Services offered at the Directorate of Quality Assurance
i. Developing and updating Quality Assurance system to continuously evaluate the learning, research, and community engagement;
ii. Running regular training workshops to ensure teaching staff are equipped with the requisite skills in QA;
iii. Providing a forum for self-evaluation by departments within the university and ensuring a follow up on all evaluations;
iv. Regularly carrying out studies to determine the quality of the University’s graduates in the industry; and
v. Keeping up-to-date documentation of records and data related to QA.
vi. Technical Support in the development of New Degree Programs