Senate & Management Board

Senate & Management Board

The Senate
The University’s commitment to the highest standards of pedagogy and overall excellence in the academic division is driven by the Senate. It’s comprised of the following members:

  1. Vice Chancellor
  2. Deputy Vice Chancellors
  3. Deans of Schools
  4. Dean of Students
  5. Heads of Academic Departments
  6. University Registrars
  7. University Librarian
  8. University Chaplain
  9. Directors of Campuses and Units
  10. Head of Corporate Affairs
  11. ICT Manager
  12. PACUSA Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

The Management Board
The composition and functions of the University’s Management Board (MB) are defined in the Charter. The MB is primarily responsible for the day-to-day running of the institution.
The following are the current members:

  1. Vice Chancellor: Prof. Dionysious Kiambi – Chair
  2. DVC-Academic Affairs
  3. Academic Registrar: Dr. Lilian Vikiru
  4. Registrar, Administration: Dr. Magdalene Bore
  5. Registrar, Finance: CPA Nicholas Chepkoiwo
  6. University Chaplain: Rev. Dr. Thuo Mburu
  7. Dean of Students: Dr. Josh T. Amwago
  8. University Librarian: Ms. Josleen Rutere-Soita