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Prof. Kiambi establishes an educational trust

Prof. Dionysious Kiambi
AcademicsCharityCommunity Service

Prof. Kiambi establishes an educational trust

The University’s DVC-Academic Affairs, Prof. Kiambi, recently founded the Prof. Dionysious Kihika Kiambi Educational Trust to support the University’s bright needy students in paying school fees. According to him, the trust will help such students to clear their fees arrears and sit for exams, including the special exams in some cases. As a result, they will be able to focus on their studies and perform even better.

To raise funds for this, Prof. Kiambi’s first major activity will be climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with some friends from September 10th to17th, 2022. Details about this will be provided in due time.

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