Payment details for Prof. Kiambi Educational Fund released
July 30, 2022 2022-07-30 1:01Payment details for Prof. Kiambi Educational Fund released
Since the announcement of the establishment of Prof. Dionysious Kihika Kiambi Educational Fund to assist the University’s needy but bright students to pay their fees, many people have been eager to support this noble initiative by making cash contributions. The Educational Fund’s founder, Prof. Dionysious Kiambi (DVC-Academic Affairs), has been putting structures in place to ensure smooth running, top among them, creating an account where the funds will be deposited. Now that this is completed, well-wishers can give cash donations using the following payment details:
Bank Details:
Cooperative Bank of Kenya, Zimmerman Branch
A/c Name: PAC University
Kshs Account No. 01129281369000
US$ Account No. 02100281369000
Swift Code: KCOOKENA
(Indicate Details as Prof. Kiambi Fund)
MPESA Payment:
PayBill No: 400222
A/C No: 3003#ProfKiambiFund (No spaces)
PS: Please forward the MPESA confirmation message to Diana at +254724 130522