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Installation ceremony of Prof. Kiambi as VC to take place on February 23

Prof. Dionysious Kiambi
LeadershipStaff ActivitiesVice Chancellor

Installation ceremony of Prof. Kiambi as VC to take place on February 23

The new Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dionysious Kihika Kiambi, will be installed on Friday, February 23, 2024, at a ceremony that will take place at the Thika Road campus from 9 am to 12 pm.

The Chief Guest will be Rev. Dr. David Oginde, Chairperson of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission of Kenya (EACC).

Tens of dignitaries from the government, private sector, academia, and the church are expected to attend, along with staff, students, and alumni.

Prof. Kiambi took over the leadership mantle in January 2024 from Prof. Margaret J. Muthwii, after she completed her full term of 10 years.

The theme for this historic event is “Arising into a New Season.”

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