Bernard Ondiek

Bernard Ondiek

Bernard is the Head Coordinator of E-Learning at the University. He has over 8 years’ experience in ICT profession. Prior to joining PAC University, he previously served as a Tutorial Fellow and Attachment Coordinator at the Institute of Advanced Technology (IAT).  As an attachment coordinator, he was able to link most students to the industry on attachment. 

Bernard holds an M.Sc. in Information Systems Management from KCA University, and a Bsc. in ICT Management from Maseno University and relevant industrial certifications. His research interests include Systems Dynamics Policy tools, e-Learning platforms and trends.

His vast experience includes services in ICT Consultancy and Training, e-Learning, Capacity Building, and ICT Governance among other fields.

Bernard, a born again Christian, is happily married to Dina and they are blessed with one lovely daughter.